Wednesday, July 28, 2010


To Ghudai, Osama and Marwan Al-Rahbani i say SHAME ON YOU.... am super amazed by what these 3 brothers are doing with the great heritage that their dad and uncle have left. (Asi & Mansour al-rahbani) aka Al-Rahbani brothers wouldn't approve of this and they wouldn't have signed all their masterpieces as the Rahbani BROTHERS if they felt like each had his own share of it. Taking Fairouz to court and banning her from singing by warning the theaters and concert managers that they don't have the approval of the Rahbani sons is an outrage. May I remind you that you might have inherited the copyrights but make sure that everyone has inherited Fairouz , Fairouz will live forever through her music and forever she will live in our hearts and this is not the way you treat a lady of this status. Whats even more outrageous and shameful for you Rahbani sons is that many others like the sons of Mohammed Abdulwahab who also inherited copyrights didn't stirr the problems you did and knew that this kind of graceful art belongs to the people before any one else. Another shameful act of the Rahbani sons to actually ignore others who are doing concerts and songs that are also produced by the Rahbani brothers (such as wadie alsafi and melhm barakat) and pursue Fairouz only with their ridiculous law suits. Fairouz is bigger than this and just to annoy the Rahbani sons am gonna go and buy all of her CDs today and rush back all my childhood memories to when my dad used to drop me at my school in the morning on the angelic sound of Fairouz. Fairouz we love you and we can't wait to see you victorious.

1 comment:

  1. I grew up listening to Fairouz and the whole thing is an outrage practically laughable banning an 80+ year old woman from singing which was basically her entire life, she gave so much to Lebanese, Egyptian and Arab cultures in general, everyone has a favorite Fairouz song that holds a special memory to their hearts, even if they ban her, she'll still live forever as the legend she is, still though... for shame
