If you think that this post is about a sci fi movie such as star trek or star wars or any star related ever made show, movie, spoof, youtube, mini series or theory ,,, then i shall mock you doing this sign

If you are here because you believe that there is life in outer space then i shall mock you some more by saying take me to your leader bleep bloop.
So why am i writing about aliens and stuff ? I dunno i was watching Armageddon for the millionth time the other day and i realized some stuff ,,, why is it always that the united states find out about the aliens/meteor/nature disaster/earth core changes that is going to end all life on earth as we know it ? ... like really ? you are telling me that there are no other scientists/telescopes/weather centers/earthquake centers any place else out there ? so here's your Major story hole ..
Of course then you are stuck with the DRAMA ,,, i mean don't get me wrong i love the drama ,,hell sometimes i go phishing for it ( am bringing the PH instead of F back its gonna b so phresh) but anyways the drama in these movies are always a bit exaggerated ,,, but nothing new ,, your usual hero who dies to save others and your usual a high ranked officer or government personnel who everyone hates and is trying to do a drastic thing that would usually mean the hero dies but the earth lives ,,, and of course the main hero who usually never dies ,,, you might think he dies but in the last 3 mins you find out he lives...
The story line is usually the same no matter what the difference is ,,,, theres always something threatening our beloved little planet and theres is always a team who's trying to save it ,,,, but here's what i think is the million dollar idea (perhaps even more especially if i get a hot shot director to adopt my idea ) ,,, why is it that its always aliens who are trying to invade us .... why aren't we the planet with the top advanced technology and cool gizmos(this is pretty true) who's planet is running out of suitable living conditions(also true ,, the global warming is happening people....naah am just messing with you tree huggers out there ,, global warming is a myth) ,,, so yeah i was saying why don't they make a movie where humans invade aliens on their sad old tech planets where they still use floppy disks and listen to music on Walkmans ... why don't they make a movie where humans abduct aliens and probe them and insert tracking chips in their brains ,,, i know that you are blown away by my geniusness ,,, i am speechless myself ...
All that being said ,,, i don't think that all life will end on earth by aliens who want to enslave us for no apparent reason or robots who need us as battery no ladies and gentlemen its the geeks and nerds of the human race who are going to bring man kind to its end ,,, i mean you all remember the whole CERN black hole experiment ,,, when scientists want to create a black hole ,,, i dunno why i don't like the sound of it especially if we take in consideration the great Murphy unwritten rule of life "if any thing can go wrong it will"
that being said .... i am off to search who am i going to mock next ...
Even After All
Could it be that the "9rob" are Aliens walking among us ?
Why is it that people who spot the UFOs always take lousy pix ,, its 2010 we have HD cams Aholes get a better camera.
wouldn't be great if the "9rob" were indeed aliens then they decide to leave our planet and go back to their mother planet ?